Bakery & Pastry
Clean Label ingredients to improve bakery and pastry products: breads and sandwiches, brioches, pastries, biscuits, pastries, etc.
Clean Label ingredients for all applications Savory snacks: direct extruded, tortilla chips, stackable chips, pellets, crackers
Culinary & Dairy
Clean label ingredients to optimize the textures, organoleptic and nutritional qualities of ready meals, meat substitutes, stuffed pasta, etc.
Breakfast Cereals & Bars
Clean Label ingredients for all applications in the breakfast cereals and bars category: extruded cereals, muesli, multiflakes, etc.
Innosense Functional Flour
Clean Label heat-treated flours: alternative solutions to thickeners and starches.
Clean Label heat-treated flours to boost the nutritional profile of products (proteins, fibers, etc.)
Clean Label heat-treated flours to optimize processes: dough machinability, viscosity, pasteurization and sterilization resistance, etc.
Clean Label heat-treated flours in snack seasoning solutions allowing the replacement of maltodextrins and other ingredients
Masa Innosense flours
Vegesense, textured plant-based proteins
Snack Pellets
Nutritional pellet snacks
Pellet snacks with a better nutritional profile to combine pleasure and health
3D pellet snacks
Unique 3D pellets with an astonishing crispness and delicate corn flavor for frying or hot air expansion.
Pellet mixes
Pellet mix for a new sensory experience with snacks with varied shapes, textures, tastes and colors.
Original shapes
Pellets with different shapes and recipes for more fun
Micropellets for puffed cakes & puffed chips
Micropellets made with different raw materials: corn, potatoes, pulses, multicereals to combine pleasure and nutrition
Flours & semolina
Maize flours and grits
Semolina and flour made from maize of specific varieties adapted to different uses and industrial expectations.
Very high-quality hominies available in various particle sizes for cornflakes, puffed pancakes, etc.
Wheat flours
Safe, high-quality wheat flour from our integrated supply chain.
Special flours
Range of special flours: spelt flour, rye flour
An innovative wheat flour, naturally rich in fibre
Bakery ingredients
Bread improvers
Improvers, in particular clean label, specifically created by our R&D teams for sliced bread, Viennese pastries, etc.
Mixes and Premixes
Original and tasty premixes and mixes to liven up the ranges of bakery and pastries products.
Fibers and germs
Fibers and germs to improve the nutritional profiles of products in the food industry.
Puffed grains & toasted ingredients
Puffed grains
Puffed cereal grains for nutritional and texturizing inclusions or toppings
ORGANIC puffed grains
Puffed organic cereal grains for nutritional and texturizing inclusions or toppings
Toasted ingredients
Cereals, pulses or toasted flours to give finished products taste, crispness and originality
Other inclusions
Mix of seeds to bring natural taste to all recipes.
Feed & Petfood ingredients
Corn and wheat flour milling products
Semolinas and flours from corn and wheat of specific varieties suitable for animal feed
Functional flours for pets
PetFlour: Clean Label heat-treated flours, providing functional solutions for pet food.
Functional flours for animal feed
UniFlour: heat-treated flours for livestock feed (piglets, calves, poultry).
Puffed ingredients for animal feed
Pre-cooked puffed cereals ideal for mueslis for pets and horses
Pressure-cooked granules and ingredients
Pressure-cooked cereals that preserve their nutrients. In flours or granules for all feed applications.
Clean Label heat-treated flours support for sensitive raw materials to ensure functionality and absorption.
Who are we
Creators of natural and safe ingredients for the food industry, Petfood and animal nutrition.
Our singularities
From varietal selection to ingredient production, the mastery of our integrated sector guarantees 100% reliable products.
Our CSR approach
Human, Health, Environment, our CSR approach is rooted in our vocation and our belonging to the Limagrain cooperative.
To meet strict requirements (microbiology, humidity level, grain size, etc.) for the dilution of sensitive raw materials, Limagrain Ingredients offers Innosense Carriers, a range of high-quality functional flours.
Limagrain Ingredients uses a patented process to design and produce flours with different grain sizes, including dust free, to guarantee the health of workers. With a view to enzymatic, aromatic and vitamin preparations, you can choose the grain size most suited to the raw material you want to dilute.
A high-quality range for products with high added value.
To meet the strictest microbiological requirements, bacteriological quantities are more than 20 times lower than in native flour.
Innosense Carriers functional flours are dust free and are used to limit the impact on the health of workers, while guaranteeing target grain size and perfect fluidity.
100% Clean Label solution covered by the declaration "wheat flour". What could be more natural for diluting sensitive raw materials.
Essential for the bakery industry, Limagrain Ingredients has been involved with the development of enzyme carriers for more than 20 years.
With fluidity and perfect stability, our functional flours are also ideal for use with flavourings, natural extracts as well as vitamins and colourings.
This functional flour has a fully controlled grain size, which comes close to the grain size of enzymes to achieve perfect dilution.
Our Bitex 11605 functional flour combines controlled grain size and cold viscosity.
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