
Young animals

Limagrain Ingredients sells naturally innovative ingredients to all animal feed sectors: pigs, cattle, poultry, fish, etc. Our range of weaning food products includes weaning milk replacer, puffed grains and solid food for all farm animals. Find the weaning food you need for the good health and growth of your weaning calves and weaning piglets.


Limagrain Ingredients has developed specific expertise for young animals such as piglets and calves which require special care during weaning, in terms of nutritional, technical and organoleptic quality.

Milk substitutes
Producer of pregelatinised flours for liquid calf feed.
Solid weaning foods
Special ingredients "rich in energy" available for solid weaning foods for piglets and calves.
Puffed grains
Very palatable precooked ingredients for muesli and mash.
Dedicated technical
For nutrition (high energy density, "rich in protein", etc.), for palatability (taste, colour, etc.), for special uses (enzyme support, etc.).
PRESCO ingredients
In the form of flours or pellets for enriching formulations for ruminants, pigs, poultry and fish.


In order to respond to trends in the animal feed market, Limagrain Ingredients offers various ingredients.

Find the Limagrain Ingredients solution most suited to your requirements.

Your solution

Want to develop a new product?

Whether you're looking for Clean Label texture, nutrition alternatives
or just new recipies, we are happy to help!


Any questions? Contact us

Center of interest*
  • Center of interest*
  • Petfood
  • Breakfast cereals & bars
  • Equi-nutrition
  • Bakery & Pastry
  • Young animals
  • Culinary & Dairy
  • Savoury snacks
  • Woodpellets